We recruit for Cheshire East Teaching jobs, Teaching Assistant vacancies, and Cheshire West Teaching Jobs.
Explore teaching jobs in Congleton, with opportunities in local primary, secondary, and SEN schools.
Discover teaching jobs in Knutsford and apply for positions in nearby primary, secondary, and SEN schools.
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Including Teaching Assistant jobs, Teaching jobs, support staff vacancies, and non-classroom roles in Greater Manchester, Cheshire, and Merseyside.
Whether you’re on the lookout for full-time, flexible, daily supply, or a permanent role, Prospero Teaching have got your back. We have regional offices in Liverpool and Manchester that cover the North West including Merseyside, Cheshire, and Greater Manchester.
Our Liverpool office is located here:
Horton House,
Exchange Flags,
L2 3PF
Give us a call on: +44 (0)151 305 7260
Or email liverpool@prosperoteaching.com
We have two offices in Manchester.
Manchester Spinningfields (specialising in Primary, Secondary, and SEND positions) is located here:
Bold Bauhaus,
27 Quay St,
M3 3GY
Give the Spinningfields team a call on: +44 (0)1706 393 220
Or email manchesternorth@prosperoteaching.com
Manchester Piccadilly (specialising in Primary positions) is located here:
6th Floor,
Boulton House,
Chorlton Street,
M1 3HY
Give the Piccadilly team a call on: +44 (0)161 393 6725
Or email manchestersouth@prosperoteaching.com