Prospero Teaching is APSCo Compliance+ Accredited

What is APSCo?

APSCo stands for Association of Professional Staffing Companies, companies registered with them are audited annually to ensure that companies are delivering quality temporary workers. 

What is Compliance+?

Compliance+ provides an uncompromising quality benchmark following strict best practice standards. Members of this are compelled to go beyond the basic safeguarding standards and to aim for excellence in competency selection and service quality. 

The best practice aims to safeguard children and to benchmark the best possible service by recruitment companies. These requirements have been developed by APSCo in consultation with the Education Sector Group members from Head Teachers, Governers for Schools and others. 

What does this mean for you and your school?

This means that Prospero Teaching temporary workers have been interviewed to determine their competency in their role and understanding of safeguarding children. Once they are successful in the interview stage they will go through a vigorous safer recruitment process ensuring that they have the following; enhanced DBS, recent references, qualification checks and standard right-to-work checks. 

What else does Prospero Teaching do?

Prospero Teaching has a dedicated team for training and development and can provide support to temporary workers when needed. We also hold Team Teach training sessions and have a variety of online e-learning modules on our website. 

Prospero is apsco accredited

Prospero is APSCo Compliance+ accredited

If you are interested in speaking to the consultant for your area or hearing more about what we can offer you please click here to register your interest. 

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