Are you a graduate considering starting off your career in education? In recent weeks, we have shared a series of posts aimed at graduate teachers and teaching assistants. Below, we have collected the key advice which will be useful for anyone considering graduate jobs in education.
Schools, and other educational settings, are excellent places for new graduates to gain a plethora of transferable skills and experience. For this reason, graduate jobs in education (including graduate teaching assistants, or SEN TAs) offer a productive start on most career pathways. Whether you have a long time goal to become a fully qualified teacher, or are still unsure about what you’d like to do as a career, having graduate teaching experience on your CV is desirable to many employers.
By graduate jobs in education, we are not just talking about teaching or TA jobs. A school is a community with many different staff teams working in harmony to keep things running smoothly – Check out our full guide to support roles in schools.
For more information on why graduate opportunities in education are so beneficial, check out part 1 in our series of graduate teaching posts:
Once you’ve decided to pursue graduate jobs in education, you’ll need to prepare a tailored CV and supporting cover letter.
Read the full post below for advice on how to structure your first CV clearly, whilst showing that you are an excellent candidate for work in schools.
After you have prepared your CV, you can either register with a teaching agency or apply directly to schools.
In our post, we advise you on preparing for interview and impressing on a trial day. If you have teaching experience, and get asked to teach an observed lesson as part of the interview process, find tips to impress for a primary teaching job here and for a secondary observed lesson here.
Check out the full post below on how to apply for graduate jobs in education:
Prospero Teaching is actively seeking Graduate Teaching Assistants to support in schools across the UK.
See our graduate roles here. Check here for our London-based roles, and here for January 2022 starts.
If you would like to register as a graduate looking for work then complete our registration form here.
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