The Mental Health Foundation has announced that ‘loneliness‘ is the theme for this year’s mental health awareness week (9th-15th May). This comes as part of Mental Health Awareness Month in May. This theme stems from research conducted by the Mental Health Foundation, which found that loneliness and its detrimental effect on mental health have been exacerbated by the Covid pandemic. Their poll concluded that loneliness was the leading issue that the general public felt needed addressing in 2022.
50% of people with lifetime mental health problems first experience symptoms by the age of 14.
In this post, we are highlighting some of the key issues and resources available in support of mental health. We are focussing on supporting the mental health of young men in particular.
Recent NHS campaigns have resulted in more and more adults accessing support, but young people are much less likely to know when or how to seek help. Problems in mental health that are left untreated will have a significant negative effect on a person’s educational and social development. Mentally healthy young people are much more likely to succeed in adulthood. Faced with challenges and setbacks, they learn from them.
There is a strong indication that young men, particularly, are at risk. Educators and support workers who work with young men will no doubt have witnessed them struggle with their emotions at times. This could be down to a number of factors – a challenging home life, exam stress or they may be having difficulty with their mental health.
Men’sHealth reported that nearly 10% of men experience symptoms of depression daily; 1 in 5 men will develop an alcohol dependency during their lifetime; worryingly, male suicide – the ‘silent epidemic’ – is the second most common cause of death in men from the age of 10 to 39.
Support workers and educators have the responsibility to spot the signs early and make sure that young men are aware of where to find support and information:
Every individual is different, and staff working as part of a support network that aims to build positive relationships with each student is the best way to aid mental health. Having said that, there are general signs that you can keep an eye on in class that may indicate someone is suffering. You may want to talk to coworkers about the best course of action if you notice a sudden change in any of the following:
Further Reading:
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Samaritans – This UK-based charity provides support at any time, from any phone for free. Call free on 116 123 or email
The Mix – free, confidential support for young people under 25. Young people can get support either by phone, webchat, or email
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